Jasper National Park, Canada

Jasper National Park, Canada

This spring we traveled up to Alberta, Canada for a couple sessions, while there we hiked around the Athabasca Glacier. We had never been in weather this cold before, so we wore as many layers as possible in attempt to shield from the wind. The first time we tried getting to the glacier, the road was closed for hours due to the controlled avalanches. We ended up visiting 2 other times that week since we really enjoy this setting. After finding the ice cave hidden under mounds of snow, we spent hours admiring the deep blues & resting where the cave would block the wind from freezing our faces.

Sunrise Salt Flats, Southern California

It seems like our favorite places always end up being the ones that we didn't plan on visiting. We were driving with some friends, and the sun was about to peak. The closest "cool" thing near us were the Salt Flats, and we're pretty glad they were. This was the first time we saw salt flats in person, and it gave all of us a child-like excitement.